Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day

It’s amazing how many people have sentimental feelings for their American flag. And every flag has a story. One gentleman displayed the same flag since 1950. Another woman displayed her flag from 9-11 until her nephews returned from Afghanistan. Another drove two hours each way to retire her flag. Each wanted to honor their flag with proper retirement.

And each reluctantly gave up their flag. Their American flag was flown with pride and honor and was more than a flag to them. Each wanted to be sure their flag was going to retire with honor. Their flag was going to be retired with a veteran.

Gives meaning to “bombs bursting in air”, “our flag was still there”. It’s Flag Day. Display your flag today and every day with pride.

"If I can figure it out, why can't they?" I am the Conservative Housewife. Hear me roar!