The United States imports 65% of its energy. The deficit is out of control. There is turmoil in Egypt. The economy is in shambles. And our President wants to spend $3 billion to make sure all Americans have internet service!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! Then what, spend billions more to make sure all Americans have computers and providers to use the internet!!! Spend, spend and spend some more.
This President is unbelievable. And once again he has proven he doesn’t have a clue as to what Americans want. We want jobs. We want our borders to be secure. We want to be energy independent. We want a balanced budget. And we want the spending to stop!!! But our President wants to spend $3 billion on the internet.
The Republican Congress is trying to regain control of our budget and deficit. Not our President. He wants to spend $3 billion on the internet. Unemployment is at 9%. Oil and gas prices are increasing. And the President is going to spend $3 billion on the internet. Not only is this President wasting $3 billion, is this the start to the government taking over the internet?
The President claims the $3 billion for the internet is an “investment” in America. He claims jobs will be created. Wouldn’t a better investment for America be to open up drilling and to build nuclear power plants as well as developing clean energy? Private jobs would be created, our economy would recover and it wouldn’t cost the American people $3 billion.
“If I can figure it out, why can’t they.” I am the Conservative Housewife. Hear me roar.
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